I produce this show out of my own pocket, primarily because of my love of all things anime and Japan. Unfortunately in this down economy, I need as much help as I can get. If you feel so inclined, a small donation to help offset my costs (server, bandwidth, equipment, etc.) would be much appreciated. Either make a purchase through one of our affiliates, bid on our eBay auctions, buy me something on my wish list, or use the handy donation button below.
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0.01000000 BTC
Here it is, in all its glory. Again, the usual “I am only human, and a pretty flaky one at that, so may not (most likely won’t) make it to every event I’ve highlighted, the mind is willing but the flesh is weak and all that” applies.
(Yes, I know, I’ve seemingly double- or triple-booked […]
When you look at your typical anime convention’s schedule, what do you do? Does your mind seize up with panic and indecision? Do you just say “screw it” and decide to “go with the flow” and just randomly drift between whatever events interest you? (One of my friends and co-hosts swears by this method and […]
Looks like I’ll be pretty busy this summer. Not only will I be presenting a panel at FanimeCon, but today I found out that I will also be presenting not one, but TWO panels at Anime Expo!!
Anime Expo is, I would wager, one of the US’s largest anime conventions (44,000 attended in 2009), […]
If you’re a long time listener of Otaku no Podcast, I’m sure you’ve heard certain of our panelists complaining about the large crowds at certain of the more high-profile anime/comic conventions. Indeed, when you look at the attendance figures for two recent events, Anime Expo (reportedly 44,000) and San Diego Comic-Con (reported by Wikipedia as […]
Friend of the show Beep has set up a Flickr group to share your photos from Anime Expo 2009. A few of us have already started posting pictures there. If you’ve got pix from AX’09 you are welcome to share them as well. Or just click the link and check out all the cool cosplay.
Yes, it’s true, we’re still very much alive and kicking. Let’s just say that 2008 was the Year of Hell, and a lot of stuff happened in my life (most of it NOT good). Things aren’t quite at the levels they were before the Year of Hell, but at least the dust has settled and […]
I should learn to never make promises. No sooner had I posted the last “we’re coming back soon, honest!” message, then I got slammed with a huge wall of work which pretty much left me with NO free time – not enough to even watch anime. (See, that’s the problem with freelancing in a tough […]