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Episode #0028 – PMX 2011
Released: December 4, 2011

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Video #0016 – Cool Find: Air Video HD: stream your downloaded anime, with perfect subtitles!
Released: June 16, 2014

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I produce this show out of my own pocket, primarily because of my love of all things anime and Japan. Unfortunately in this down economy, I need as much help as I can get. If you feel so inclined, a small donation to help offset my costs (server, bandwidth, equipment, etc.) would be much appreciated. Either make a purchase through one of our affiliates, bid on our eBay auctions, buy me something on my wish list, or use the handy donation button below.
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Picks of the Week (DVD/Blu-ray)

The PMX 2011 Meta-Post of Doom!

You’re probably wondering “gee, where the hell has the Otaku no Podcast crew been?! Surely they must be back from PMX by now!” Yes, in fact we have been back for a few days; however one of us is more or less incommunicado while she’s helping to housesit for a relative…. and I have contracted […]

Anime Los Angeles Day 3 Report

First things first: if you attended either of our workshops (podcasting and photography) and are looking for the notes pages for these, here they are: Photography notes, Podcasting notes.

Day 3 – the final day – of Anime LA was pretty low key. In fact I didn’t even make it to any panels. Most […]

Anime Los Angeles Day 2 Report (Updated)

Well, Day 2 of Anime Los Angeles has ended. There were definitely more people here today than yesterday. I still could not begin to hazard a guess as to how many. Last year’s Anime LA was capped at 3200 and I’d say that there were at least that many people here today. Perhaps more.


Photos (and video!) from PMX 2010 (Updated)

I’ve now been back home for a little over 48 hours, but am still recovering from PMX – I’m still horrifically tired and rather sore (thanks to having to shlep my stuff halfway across creation back and forth to our hotel). At least I’m not suffering the dreaded Convention Plague of Doom (knock on wood), […]

PMX Day 2 Report

Well, Day 2 of PMX has drawn to a close, and while there were definitely more people attending today (Saturday being the traditionally busiest day during a weekend con) the crowds were still manageable, although it was definitely more of a challenge navigating the hallways with the increased population. I still couldn’t begin to […]

Episode #0013 (Part 2) - Anime Expo 2010

NOTE: This is a 2-part episode. Be sure and download both parts! (In particular, most iTunes installations are set to only download the latest episode if it detects more than one new episode is available.)

Here at long last is our Anime Expo 2010 review episode of doom. I bring you but a small sampling […]

Episode #0013 - Anime Expo 2010

NOTE: This is a 2-part episode. Be sure and download both parts! (In particular, most iTunes installations are set to only download the latest episode if it detects more than one new episode is available.)

Here at long last is our Anime Expo 2010 review episode of doom. I bring you but a small sampling […]

Heading up to FanimeCon… (and some Important Announcements!)

Apologies for the radio silence, but between work (crazy busy with the added fun of rush deadlines, joy!), the Great Move, and FanimeCon, I’ve been a pretty busy boy. But, deities willing, I’ll be on my way to San Jose (do you know the way? ha!) tomorrow evening, and will be snaking my way through […]

Project 760 Productions and Pop Japan Travel Present The Tokyo International Anime Fair Tour!

Psst! Hey… wanna go to Japan? I know you do! So listen up!

Project 760 Productions, the group behind many otaku-centric events in the San Francisco Bay area including JTAF, is teaming up with Pop Japan Travel to offer you a chance to travel to Japan to attend the 2010 Tokyo International Anime Fair, one […]

A Winner is You! Behold the Anime LA 2010 AMV and Masquerade Winners

Behold, for here are the winners in the various divisions of both the Masquerade and AMV contests at Anime LA 2010. Congratulations goes out to everybody who participated in both contests – all entries this year were truly awesome.
