I produce this show out of my own pocket, primarily because of my love of all things anime and Japan. Unfortunately in this down economy, I need as much help as I can get. If you feel so inclined, a small donation to help offset my costs (server, bandwidth, equipment, etc.) would be much appreciated. Either make a purchase through one of our affiliates, bid on our eBay auctions, buy me something on my wish list, or use the handy donation button below.
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You’re probably wondering “gee, where the hell has the Otaku no Podcast crew been?! Surely they must be back from PMX by now!” Yes, in fact we have been back for a few days; however one of us is more or less incommunicado while she’s helping to housesit for a relative…. and I have contracted […]
I’ve now been back home for a little over 48 hours, but am still recovering from PMX – I’m still horrifically tired and rather sore (thanks to having to shlep my stuff halfway across creation back and forth to our hotel). At least I’m not suffering the dreaded Convention Plague of Doom (knock on wood), […]
No, unfortunately, this isn’t Part 2 of “Anime on the Cheap” that I’ve been promising. Things have been just too hectic and I haven’t been able to finish the research for this. However, I think you’ll like this just the same. Think of it as a special Winter Holiday Season present from us to you.
Friend of the show Beep has set up a Flickr group to share your photos from Anime Expo 2009. A few of us have already started posting pictures there. If you’ve got pix from AX’09 you are welcome to share them as well. Or just click the link and check out all the cool cosplay.
Friend of the show Dave “Paradox” Fayram (no, he hasn’t been on the show yet, but he is still a friend of it) is attending San Diego Comic-Con and has started putting up his pictures. Check them out on his San Diego Comic-Con Flickr set. Looks like he’ll try and upload new ones every day, […]
The server oompa-loompas here at Otaku no Podcast have been busy. Their latest achievement: a new Photo Gallery section on the website, where I will post pictures from the various anime conventions and events I have attended. I’ve already started uploading some pictures from FanimeCon 2009, and will shortly upload my Anime Expo 2009 pics […]