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Episode #0028 – PMX 2011
Released: December 4, 2011

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Video #0016 – Cool Find: Air Video HD: stream your downloaded anime, with perfect subtitles!
Released: June 16, 2014

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Picks of the Week (DVD/Blu-ray)

The Anime Secret Santa Project returns for 2015!

It is Monday, October 12 as I write this, which means that we are, theoretically anyway, deep into fall, and will soon be thrust into winter. I say “theoretically” because, at least where I live, it sure as heck doesn’t feel like fall. We’ve been in a seemingly perpetual heat wave for the past few […]

The Reverse Thieves announce the 2013 Anime Secret Santa project!

One of the many things I find annoying about the holidays is that the Gods of Retail, for whatever reason, seem to want to move Christmas earlier and earlier every year. I mean, c’mon, it isn’t even Halloween yet, it’s still beastly hot in many parts of the country, and the kiddies have only just […]

Looking for my 2012 Anime Secret Santa review? Sorry, but you’ll have to wait a bit… (Updated)

Update 1/1/2013: My Anime Secret Santa review of Sound of the Sky (aka Sora no Woto) is up!

You know that old saying about the best laid plans of mice and men? Well unfortunately all of my plans for the next few months went out the window when late last month (right around Thanksgiving) when […]

The Reverse Thieves announce the 2012 Secret Santa Project!

Even though it’s still beastly hot around these parts, the “seasons” (such as they are) continue their inexorable progression, and soon autumn will give way to winter. Which means, of course, that the holiday season (and the madness and mayhem typically associated with that time of year) will soon be upon us. It also means […]

Anime Secret Santa Review: Le Chevalier d’Eon

No, your eyes aren’t deceiving you. Here, at long last, is my Anime Secret Santa review of Le Chevalier d’Eon. I’d like to apologize for the extreme delay in getting this up.

Let me start off by saying that I’m not the kind of guy who goes for historical/period pieces. I don’t actively hate […]

The Reverse Thieves announce the 2011 Anime Secret Santa project!

The Reverse Thieves have just announced their 2011 Anime Secret Santa project!

If you don’t know what in blazes I’m talking about, go back and read our post about it a couple years ago. But, for the lazy, here’s the Reader’s Digest version: basically, you e-mail your name, blog title and url, and a link […]

It’s Secret Santa time once again!

Remember last year’s Secret Santa experiment? You know, the one that the Reverse Thieves put on? The one that we participated in? Well guess what, It’s that time again!

Yup, that’s right, once again the Reverse Thieves are organizing a Secret Santa event. The idea is basically to get together a bunch of Anime Bloggers […]

Secret Santa Project Review: Twin Spica

On January 28, 1986, a stunned America watched helplessly as the Space Shuttle Challenger disintegrated 73 seconds after liftoff. I was a grade school student at the time, and I remember that this disaster hit us particularly hard due to the presence of Christa McAuliffe, the first member of the Teacher in Space Project, […]

Otaku no Podcast will be participating in the Anime Secret Santa project

Remember the Anime Secret Santa project that the folks over at Reverse Thieves cooked up? Well I’ve got good news – Otaku no Podcast will be participating! Look for our Anime Secret Santa review to hit both blog and podcast shortly after Christmas. This should be interesting – and fun!

Here’s an opportunity to review anime – Secret Santa style!

This comes by way of a tweet from the cool guys over at Tokyo Tower WAWL, who pointed us to a post over at the Reverse Thieves blog with a rather cool and unique idea for a group anime review writing project. (Sorry if this doesn’t match up to my usually scintillating level of writing […]