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Episode #0028 – PMX 2011
Released: December 4, 2011

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Released: June 16, 2014

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Back from PMX 2012; photos, videos and wrap-up coming soon!

PMX 2012 logoWell, we are back from PMX 2012, and have managed to escape the dreaded Con Plague. Hygiene FTW!

Also amazing is that I have actually managed to start posting our photos and videos in a more-or-less timely fashion! CosFest (aka masquerade) videos are already up on our YouTube channel (including the ever-so-delightful Angel Hearts cosplay troupe’s halftime show); more videos, including some from the fashion show and maybe some panels (if they end up turning out OK after editing; lighting and audio conditions were far from ideal) will be going up over the next few days. I’m also working on photos, which will be going up on our PMX 2012 Flickr photoset within the next few days. (Of course you can view these in a much cooler fashion on our nifty Photo Gallery here on the Otaku no Podcast website.)

And of course what con journey would be complete without our usual panel-style wrap-up episode of Doom? Unfortunately that won’t be for a while yet as I’ve got to coordinate schedules with my fellow co-hosts; but rest assured that we’ll be recording this just as soon as possible, and it will of course be hitting the podcast feed as well as the website.

In the meantime, I invite you to check out our photos and videos at the sites linked to above, as well as the photo and video galleries of other PMX attendees I’m linking to below.

NOTE: I will be updating this post as I find more peoples’ PMX photos and videos. Also, if you have any PMX 2012 photo and/or video galleries of your own, please tell us about them! thread listing a bunch of PMX 2012 galleries
Cosplay in America’s PMX 2012 photoshoots, as well as other photos taken on his Samsung Galaxy S3 as well as a disposable camera (an interesting experiment)
David Ngo (DTJAAAAM’s) PMX 2012 photos

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