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Episode #0028 – PMX 2011
Released: December 4, 2011

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Video #0016 – Cool Find: Air Video HD: stream your downloaded anime, with perfect subtitles!
Released: June 16, 2014

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I produce this show out of my own pocket, primarily because of my love of all things anime and Japan. Unfortunately in this down economy, I need as much help as I can get. If you feel so inclined, a small donation to help offset my costs (server, bandwidth, equipment, etc.) would be much appreciated. Either make a purchase through one of our affiliates, bid on our eBay auctions, buy me something on my wish list, or use the handy donation button below.
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Picks of the Week (DVD/Blu-ray)

Cool Find: Waifu2x – a cool image processing tool to help upscale (not just anime) image files

If you’re a fan of anime (and one would hope that you are, since you’re here reading this blog) then you probably have a rather large collection of anime-themed graphics files sitting on your computer and/or smartphone/tablet. Perhaps you’re using them for desktop wallpapers or a photo screensaver, or as forum avatars, or to jazz […]

Going to Anime Expo? Interested in Hatsune Miku? Then be sure and check out this exhibit!

In our recent episode on budgeting for an anime convention, we recommended that you should set aside some money for those “oh crap!” type moments — accidentally overspending on something, dealing with various forms of Travel and/or Con Drama (lost luggage, roommates you just don’t get along with, etc.) and so on. Well, another (more […]

Well that was fast: Preliminary Anime Expo 2015 schedules are now up!

Murphy’s Law strikes yet again here at Otaku no Podcast. (Seems to happen a lot around here.) Mere hours after we released our most recent episode — in which we talked about Anime Expo 2015 but couldn’t really give any details because the schedules weren’t out yet (and we didn’t think they’d be out until […]

AnimEigo launches Kickstarter campaign to fund our namesake, Otaku no Video! (Updated)

Crowdfunding is one of the many unique and innovative ideas to come out of today’s Internet-savvy, high-speed connected, social media-saturated world. Crowdfunding sites such as Kickstarter and Indiegogo make it possible for a person or a group who have an idea for a cool product or service, but not a lot of money, to potentially […]

Cool Find: Japan Animator Expo showcases talented up-and-coming animators!

Yeah, I know, it’s only been a day or two since I posted our last Cool Find. Please forgive me. The reason for this, though, is a good one, as you’ll soon see: there is a time limit involved.

Japan Animator Expo (not to be confused with that other Expo with a similar-sounding name) is […]

Cool Find: Anime and Manga Stack Exchange

Hi folks. Yes, we’re still here. Sorry for our recent hiatus. Things have been pretty busy lately.

As I may have mentioned in the past, my attempt at getting a higher education (beyond high school) was brief and ended in tragedy. The culture shock of going from living a fairly sheltered, overprotective life at home, […]

Cool Find: Dreeps, a cool new JRPG for those too busy to play JRPGs any more!

Yes, I’m still here. Sorry for the lack of updates recently; this new year has been really busy for me so far. Not only have I been swamped with work, but this is also the time of year when the Southern California Linux Expo (SCaLE) occurs. I’ve been a part of the A/V staff for […]

Anime Secret Santa Review: White Album 2

I have a confession to make. (No, not that kind of confession.) When I wrote last week stating that I wasn’t able to finish my Secret Santa review on time, that may have been stretching the truth a little bit. I probably could have used one of my (very infrequent) Mental Powerups (or at the […]

Sorry, but my Anime Secret Santa review is going to be a bit late this year… (Updated)

Update 12/31/2014: My review of White Album 2 is now up! Omatase shimashita.

Every year I look forward to the holidays, not just because of the delicious foods, blinkenlights and the giving (and receiving) of gifts, but also for the Anime Secret Santa Project, a really cool collective anime reviewing project thingie organized every year […]

The 12 Days of Kurisumasu, and other ways to help your holiday shopping sanity, are back for 2014!

Oh… hi there. Why, yes, it has been a while, hasn’t it? Yeah… my life has been… let’s say, “complicated” this year, and I have been ridiculously busy, and haven’t had any free time at all to devote to the website and podcast. (remember folks, unlike certain podcasters this is not my day job, and […]