OK folks, I’ve started going over the PMX schedule (they just released the final schedule btw, might want to go check it out) and I’ve started marking down things I might be interested in checking out and/or possibly get coverage for the podcast for. Of course the standard disclaimers apply: I sometimes double- or even triple-book myself intentionally, the idea being that I am interested in both events and will probably make my final decision as to which one I want to go to 5 minutes before the time it starts; the usual “convention schedules are HIGHLY subject to change without notice”; and of course, I might be otherwise indisposed and unable to attend a given event due to my body suddenly pooping out on me and requiring an unplanned nap (or in other words, “the spirit is willing but the flesh (may be) weak”). And in between events, I’ll of course be roaming around the con in general, maybe peeking into dealer’s room and artist’s alley and various other places, and of course taking a ton of photos. (And no doubt spending a fair amount of time at the food trucks!) Check out my schedule below the cut.
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