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Got any questions for the Anime Expo 2012 Guests of Honor? Ask ’em!

ReporterWe’re now only 1 week away from Anime Expo (AIEEEEEEE!!!). Yeah, I know, I haven’t even finished up with FanimeCon stuff yet (quickly looks away to avoid accusing glares from certain bloggers). (although I really, really hope to be finished by this weekend.) You can blame my work – in order for my overlords to even consider letting me take time off to attend AX, I am having to work like a dog. (oh well, at least it pays the bills…)

But, back to the point of this post: it is time once again for us to solicit questions you might have for any of the Guests of Honor. Yes, folks, that’s right, YOU get to reap all the benefits of their knowledge and expertise without the nervous sweatdrop-inducing act of facing a microphone and actually speaking in public.

So if there’s ever anything you’ve ever wanted to know about any of the GoHs, their activities, the projects they’ve worked on (or are working on now), etc., ask away! Either post them as a response to this post, or you can use our lovely contact us form (or any of the other methods of reaching us listed on that page), and we will do our best to get them answered for you. On video or audio if possible. You’ll need to act quickly though, so send ’em in as fast as you can think ’em up.

Unfortunately this year Anime Expo decided to hold their press interviews in the form of a free-for-all press conference, so we won’t be able to bring you the sort of intimate one-on-one chats we were able to bring you last year (bummer!) But, hey, anything is better than nothing.

So ask away!

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