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The Reverse Thieves announce the 2012 Secret Santa Project!

Merry Christmas, K-ON! styleEven though it’s still beastly hot around these parts, the “seasons” (such as they are) continue their inexorable progression, and soon autumn will give way to winter. Which means, of course, that the holiday season (and the madness and mayhem typically associated with that time of year) will soon be upon us. It also means that, once again, it is time for the Reverse Thieves’ Secret Santa Project! (This almost flew under my radar last year. Fortunately this year I was a bit more alert and on the ball.)

I can hear it now; you’re probably yelling at your screens “What’cha talking’ bout, Willis?!” Well, my name ain’t Willis, and if you’ve been hanging around this blog and podcast for a while, surely you must know about Anime Secret Santa by now. (And no, don’t call me Shirley either) After all, I’ve written about it several times before, and we’ve even participated in it as well.

Basically the Anime Secret Santa project involves a bunch of bloggers (and perhaps podcasters too) who get together and put their names into a virtual hat, which the Reverse Thieves then proceed to mix up. They then pair off bloggers, and ask each of them to recommend an anime for the other to watch. The trick is that they don’t tell them who the recommendation came from. Once you have your anonymous donors’ recommendations in hand, you then proceed to pick an anime off their list, watch it and review it. Yes, exactly like that whole Secret Santa thing, which you are undoubtedly familiar with. (After all it’s probably been used as a plot device in at least a few Christmas-themed anime episodes…) The idea is to get people to step outside their comfort zones if you will, and watch and review shows they may not have considered before. It’s a great way to find out about anime that, maybe you might not have considered before, but ended up liking a lot. (Or maybe you hated it, and then you can write a really scathing review. There have been some pretty hilariously epic ones.) Plus it’s a lot of fun.

Want to participate? It’s pretty simple. First, you’ll need to set yourself up on one of those “keep track of what anime I’ve watched” sites, such as Anime-Planet (my personal favorite) or MyAnimeList. They are all free to join, and are pretty useful in their own right. Then, once you’ve listed all the anime that you’ve seen, e-mail your name, blog/podcast’s URL and the URL to your anime listing site profile page to the Reverse Thieves with the subject line “Secret Santa Participant.” (Also, if for whatever reason you would prefer not to have to watch/review fan subs, be sure and mention that in your email.)

All entries are due by Wednesday, October 10, so you better hurry! Check out the Reverse Thieves blog post for full details and where to send in your entry. Naturally, if the fates allow it, Otaku no Podcast will be participating this year as well. And we hope that you will too!

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