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Episode #0028 – PMX 2011
Released: December 4, 2011

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Video #0016 – Cool Find: Air Video HD: stream your downloaded anime, with perfect subtitles!
Released: June 16, 2014

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Tip Jar

I produce this show out of my own pocket, primarily because of my love of all things anime and Japan. Unfortunately in this down economy, I need as much help as I can get. If you feel so inclined, a small donation to help offset my costs (server, bandwidth, equipment, etc.) would be much appreciated. Either make a purchase through one of our affiliates, bid on our eBay auctions, buy me something on my wish list, or use the handy donation button below.
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Picks of the Week (DVD/Blu-ray)

Cool Find: Google Translate

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I’m still here. Busy podcaster is busy. Haven’t had any time to produce any content lately, even blog posts. So sorry! I’m hoping to have some time to record an episode soon. In the meantime I’ll try and find the time to kick out some blog posts such as this one. […]

Video #0007 – Japanese Classic Cuisine: Yakitori

Yes, I’m taking another break from audio podcasting. Today I show you how to make a classic Japanese dish that you’ve probably had many times before, Yakitori.

Cool Find: Cooking with Dog

(no, it’s not what you think…)

I’ve talked and blogged about Japanese food before, as have our friends over at TJX. In fact I’ve even made a video or three on the subject. (In all fairness, the TJX crew did this as well.) But there’s something missing from our videos, something that would give […]

Cool Find: Rikai Browser, Rikaichan, and Rikaikun

Us gaijin anime/manga/Japanese culture fans are presented with a problem, in that these works are typically written with the Japanese in mind. In other words, they are written in the Japanese language. And, I don’t know about you, but as far as languages are concerned, I probably know more Klingon than I do Japanese. […]