Last minute FanimeCon announcements (+ AudioBoo test)
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Last minute FanimeCon announcements (+ AudioBoo test) Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 2:18 — 1.7MB) | Embed
Like most geeks, I am a caffeine-based life form. If I don’t have my caffeine dose in the (time of day at which I awaken, unspecified here because it is highly variable) I’m either cranky as all get out and extremely unpleasant to be around, or so out of it that, at least once or twice, I’ve been mistaken for a whacked out drug addict. Or both, which can be truly terrifying. Ask anyone who knows me and they’ll verify this. So yeah, I needs me my caffeine. Now my usual method of caffeine consumption is the ubiquitous soda drink — Coke™ being the preferred brand in my case. Which has caused some questioning looks from friends, waitresses and passers-by, especially during those rare moments when I am awake during the morning hours. “Wouldn’t you like a nice cup of coffee?” is what’s probably on their minds, or so I imagine anyway. I don’t dislike coffee. It’s just not really the first thing I usually ask for. For one thing, the temperature at which it’s typically served (usually a few shades lower than the core temperature of your average nuclear reactor) does not agree with me, which results in me usually having to order a glass of ice along with my coffee on those very few occasions in which I’ve ordered it (which usually leads to puzzled looks and declarations of insanity). Then there’s the nasty bitter taste, which I usually must counter by dumping over 9,000 teaspoons of sugar in it (which results in a beverage my mom sarcastically referred to as “sugar water”). And of course there’s “coffee stain” to consider, that lovely brownish stain that develops on coffee drinkers’ teeth. (And yes, I know, Coke™ stains teeth in a similar manner as well. My oral hygienists are none too happy about that. Believe me, if Coke™ came in a non-staining variant that still resembled its stain-inducing counterpart in terms of taste and caffeination level, I’d be all over that.) So, on second thought, I guess I really do dislike coffee after all. Even with my dislike of it, however, I will concede that coffee offers a superior caffeination level than soda. I will also concede, even without firsthand experience, that coffee offers a wide variety of flavors. (Of course, your typical mass market supermarket/restaurant/coffee house coffee is pretty low on the flavor scale; and also, by the time I’ve surgically altered it so as to agree with my tastes, I’ve pretty much blown any taste it had out of the water.) If only there were a way to get the intense flavor and caffeination level of coffee without the nasty bitterness… Well, Science™ has come to the rescue, thanks to a lovely concoction created by the mad scientists over at Funranium Labs — The Black Blood of the Earth. In short, The Black Blood of the Earth (or BBotE as I will refer to it from here on out) is a cold vacuum extraction of various single varietals of coffee. Single varietal meaning only one type of bean is used, rather than the usual mishmash of several different bean types you get in commercial coffee. So you get to experience the vastly differing flavors produced by the various growing regions around the planet. And one discovers that coffee has a rather subtle but nice sweetness to it. (Interesting factoid: the creator of BBotE was diagnosed as a Type II diabetic, and he created BBotE so that he could enjoy the flavors of coffee without needing to add sugar or cream to it to make it palatable.) And cold vacuum extraction basically extracts all the flavor out of the bean, while leaving behind most of the nasty acids that cause bitterness and teeth staining. And, guess what, as a nifty side benefit of this extraction process, the caffeine concentration of BBotE is significantly increased compared to regular ol’ coffee. Win! And by the way folks, when I say “increased caffeine concentration,” I mean it. Funranium cautions that one should not consume more than 100 mL a day. Fortunately this isn’t difficult, as the standard mode of consumption of BBotE is to mix it with other beverages of choice (because it’s concentrated, duh). Common combinations include:
Fortunately, rather than keeping BBotE a closely guarded secret available only to a select few, the Funranium Labs crew have seen fit to share it with the world! The cost might seem somewhat high, until you consider that (A) this ain’t your typical Starbucks vente latte here; (B) the guy (Funranium Labs actually consists of one man, a radiation scientist at Lawrence Berkeley Labs) makes it by hand (his production is normally about 9 L per day.); and (C) because of its highly concentrated nature, your standard 750 mL bottle of BBotE equates to about a month’s worth of caffeination by Starbucks standards. BBotE is available for sale in various sizes. The 375 mL is probably the best starting point for a BBotE neophyte. The 750 mL is probably the most common size. He also offers a 1000 mL, as well as multi-packs of all three sizes. And if you are truly insane (or you want to stock up in case World War III/the zombie apocalypse/complete destruction of the world by evil aliens bent on galactic conquest/etc. happens), there’s the 4 L (!!!) Jug of Madness. BBotE is available in several varietals, including Kona, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malabar, Panama and Sumatra. There are also occasional “special” varietals which change from time to time (basically whatever he can get his hands on at the coffee roasting place). And if you’re the adventurous sort, or just can’t decide on what varietal you want, he offers two Samplers (Sampler I, Sampler II). You can order all of the above, and much more, from his online Store; or, if you’re lucky, you can obtain your BBotE fix in person from a local “dealer” if you’re lucky enough to live in a city that has one. Fortunately, no secret cash drops or meetings in dark alleys are involved. Unless you want it that way, of course; I’m sure they’d be willing to oblige you if you did. And now, if you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll go bounce around the room for a bit…
Fortunately there are now apps for both iOS and Android devices that make it easy to subscribe to and listen to podcasts without the need to sync with your computer. These apps work really well, and are very inexpensive (some are even free). I’ve put together a short video on how to subscribe to Otaku no Podcast using four of the most popular of these type of apps on the iOS platform (iPhone, iPod touch and iPad). If you’re an Android user, I’m sure there are equivalent programs available for Android; search the marketplace for “podcatcher” or “podcast client” and you’re bound to find a few of them. Watch the video on YouTube or in the embedded player below the cut. Update: I’ve created a supplemental video, showing the same four programs I demonstrated, only this time on the iPhone/iPod touch. Watch it on YouTube or in the embedded player below the cut.
As I was digging through the muck, however, an idea hit me: I probably have a lot of anime that I don’t really watch any more that I wouldn’t mind getting rid of. (Indeed, when I finally excavated my DVD shelf and started scanning through the titles on it, I came up with quite a few I wouldn’t mind parting with.) Getting rid of these would end up killing two birds with one stone for me: (A) help me de-clutter, and (B) help fund the podcast. Brilliant! So I set up an account on eBay. Since this is Otaku no Podcast we’re talking about here, you will mostly find old/used anime for sale here. But you’ll occasionally find other stuff, mostly computer/podcasting gear that I no longer have a use for. Everything I plan on putting up for sale will be in perfect working condition. In the case of anime DVDs/Blu-rays, that means that all discs are included (in the case of box sets), discs are unscratched and perfectly playable, and all DVD boxes/cases/inserts are included, etc. (In the rare occasion when I did mange to lose something, I’ll note it in the auction description. Similarly, if, for example, I am selling a box set in which I didn’t complete the collection, I’ll note that as well.) All proceeds from these sales will go towards funding the podcast, and are (of course) greatly appreciated. This means:
So why not come on by and check us out? Nothing up there right now, but I’ll be putting stuff up over the next few days, so check back often!
Well you now have one more reason to go grab the app – and a pretty damn good one if you ask me. Apple is running a contest to see who downloads the 25 billionth app. If you are said lucky winner, you get yourself a $10,000 iTunes App Store gift card. That’ll buy you a hell of a lot of Angry Birds… At the time I am writing this, the count stands at 24,793,722,846 and is rising VERY quickly. So what are you waiting for? Go grab the app today! (And by the way, did I mention that it’s free?) (Oh, one more thing: mind rating and/or reviewing the app while you’re at it? Pretty please, with sugar on top?)
Review us in iTunes Every time I look at our podcast page in iTunes, I get rather depressed because of the distinct lack of ratings/reviews. If you could rate the show, that would make me really happy, and would also increase our search rankings in iTunes. You don’t need to write a full-blown review; just a “star” rating is sufficient. (And I’m not even going to ask for a 5-star rating. Please be honest; I respect your honesty.) All you need is a free iTunes account Remember that we actually have three podcast feeds: the main (combined video and audio) feed, as well as the audio-only and video-only feeds. If you can rate/review all three of them, fantastic! But if you can’t/don’t want to/are too lazy to rate all three feeds, then at the very least, please rate the main feed. Main feed (combined video and audio) Review our app The same applies whenever I look at the page for our app on the App Store. If you could rate and/or review the app, that would be great too, and would increase our search rankings, blah blah blah. You’ll need a free iTunes account, but you also will need to download the app (it’s free) before you can rate it. Otaku no Podcast app page on the iOS App Store Link to us from your blog/website One of the factors that Google takes into account when determining search results is the number of other sites that link to you. So, if you have a blog or website, why not put a link to Otaku no Podcast somewhere on it? Either link to the main site (, or if you have a particular episode or blog post or whatever that’s your favorite, link to that. Give us some YouTube lovin’ By this, we mean subscribing to our YouTube channel (it’s free) and “liking” and/or commenting on our various videos. Friend us on Facebook “Liking” our Otaku no Podcast Facebook page helps as well. And finally… Fill out our listener survey OK, this one isn’t about increasing our search ranking; this one is to help me keep this show afloat financially speaking. Listener surveys such as this are used by ad agencies to help determine where to place their advertising. As you are no doubt aware we have begun to receive sponsorship opportunities, and I am really working on making them as unobtrusive and interesting as possible. One way this helps is if advertisers have accurate information on the types of people who listen to this show; that way we get more relevant ads sent to us. Note that you will never be tracked or identified individually, only in aggregate (i.e. as a sample group). The survey is being handled by our content distribution service RawVoice. If you are concerned, please read their privacy statement. I think it’s pretty clear cut. If you are able to help out at all with any of this, you have my deepest and undying thanks. With your help, my
Mark your calendars folks – Pray for Japan: The Film will be premiering on March 14, 2011 at 7:00 PM at the following theaters:
You can check showtimes and/or order tickets online. Be sure and get your tickets early before they sell out! All proceeds will go towards the JEN NPO, a relief organization that has been on the ground in the Tohoku area since day 1 providing aid and relief, and in fact are still there to this day.
So does this mean we can relax, that we can declare “Mission accomplished” ? Not on your life. The powers of evil behind will not rest until their goals are achieved. There is still so much that can happen between now and January 24, when voting is set to begin on these bills. Bribes can be circulated. Lawmakers can sneak loopholes and other tools in at the 11th hour. And even if SOPA and PIPA go down, you know they’ll be back with something else. And it might even seem reasonable. But, believe you me, it isn’t. (It’s a trap!). We must remain ever vigilant, and continue to educate and inform our elected officials. Please keep on your Congress critters’ backs — give them something to think about come voting day. But not right this minute. Take a few minutes and give yourself a hearty pat on the back. Go hoist up an icy cold beer (or any other beverage of choice). You — we — made history today. I’d like to take this opportunity to personally thank our listeners and website viewers for answering the call and for putting up with a little website downtime. You guys all rock. Seriously. |
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